This example demonstrates how to provide search for location and keywords using the BingSearchDataProvider.Search method.
In this example, the built-in Search panel is disabled (the BingSearchDataProvider.ShowSearchPanel property is set to false), because a custom panel is used instead.
To start search, specify search parameters (location and a keyword) in the custom Search panel and click the Search button. All search parameters are passed to the Search method and you can see the result in the rich text box element.
The results contain a display name, and address associated with the search location. In addition, the SearchRequestResult.AlternateSearchRegions property returns results of searching for alternate regions.
Note that if you run this sample as is, you will get a warning message saying that the specified Bing Maps key is invalid. To learn how to register a Bing Maps account and create a key for it, refer to the How to: Get a Bing Maps Keytutorial.