This is an example for the A1041 Knowledge Base article. Please refer to the article for the explanation. This example was updated to prevent overlapping of a summary text with the group row text when the first column width is reduced.
See also: How to print group summary values under corresponding columns.
Example Comments
Added By: Ken Yanovsky at: 6/5/2013 4:55:59 PM
In this example using item.GetDisplayText(values[item], false) from the GridGroupSummaryItem is brutally slow as internally it's doing a try/catch.
Unless that's fixed, it's a lot quicker to use the column's editor GetDisplayText method like so
I used this example to set my summaries as well as to allowing me to paint the background color of specific grouped rows that were set in the gridView1_CustomDrawGroupRow event (I set the e.Appearance.BackColor which was then painted on with the Painter object). However I was not able to match the color of the row to the indent on the group level.
Is there anyway to do this?
Added By: Tony Tam 1 at: 9/12/2013 9:24:05 AMAlso these changes dont print out