This example demonstrates how to localize an application created using the DevExtreme SPA framework. You will find a detailed description of the used approaches in the following KB article:
T415129: How to localize a DevExtreme application using Globalize v1.X
See also:
DevExtreme Localization
Question Comments
Added By: Chandra Shekar at: 10/7/2016 5:25:32 AM I am using the code you provide but haven't got any result only this error occurs "Error: 'Uncaught Error: E_MISSING_MESSAGE: Missing required message content `btnClick`.', line 5, file 'http://localhost:60494/js/globalize.min.js'." when i click the button in home.dxview. please provide better solution to achieve "how to localize a Devextreme application using Globalize v1.x"