The code in this example implements the native caching of web reports displayed by the ASPxDocumentViewer control which allows instantly switching the documents that are cached on the client.
During the ASPxClientComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged event, the HiddenField value is used to identify a report before its initialization that is performed within the Page_Load event handler.
Question Comments
Added By: Chad Eklund at: 6/7/2012 2:15:15 PM
This does not work, refresh is no a property of ReportViewer
Added By: Alex (DevExpress Support) at: 9/18/2012 2:06:55 AMHi Chad,
The Refresh method is a part of the ReportViewer client-side API:
I try to use 2 reports activated by a combobox, but get an error on the hf surroundeed by quotation marks.
I have tried single quotation marks ' , but i won't help.
<dx:ASPxComboBox ID="cboNorskEngelsk" runat="server" ValueType="System.String">
<dx:ListEditItem Text="Norsk" Value="1" />
<dx:ListEditItem Text="Engelsk" Value="2" />
<ClientSideEvents SelectedIndexChanged="function(s, e) {
document.getElementById("hf").value = s.GetSelectedItem().value;
}" />
Reidar Thorsvik
apparently this example does not work together with a DrillDown in one of the reports. Both reports load as expected, but a click on the DrillDownControl has no effect. Do you know how to solve this?
Thanks and best regards Added By: Jannet (DevExpress Support) at: 9/20/2016 3:04:44 AM
I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T429522: How to enable caching of web reports to allow switching them on the client -Drill-Down report). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.