The main idea of this Code Example is to demonstrate how to create the aforementioned types of the data source components at runtime and add them to the list of the data sources available in the Web Report Designer.
Added By: Liu TzuYi at: 7/28/2015 2:30:12 AM
Let's continue discussing this issue in the Can XtraReport bind multiple DataSource ? thread.
Question Comments
Added By: Liu TzuYi at: 7/28/2015 2:30:12 AM
Thanks, but I want use Microsoft SqlDataSource not Devexpress..DataAccess.Sql.DataSource
or use Microsoft SqlDataAdapter to create Dataset DataTable and assign it to ASPxReportDesigner !
So, Can you help more once ?
Added By: Dmitry Tok (DevExpress Support) at: 7/28/2015 9:17:18 AM Hello Liu,Let's continue discussing this issue in the Can XtraReport bind multiple DataSource ? thread.