To add the capability to analyze data in your application, the eXpressApp Framework supplies the Pivot Chart Module. To have the Analysis functionality in an application, you should simply add this module and the built-in Analysis business class to the application. In this instance, the navigation control will contain the Analysis item and end-user will be able to create Analysis objects. However, you may need to provide the ability to create an Analysis object from any List View, setting the new Analysis object's ObjectType property to the object type of the List View. This example demonstrates how to accomplish this task.
For details, refer to the How to: Add the Analyze Action to List Views topic in XAF documentation.
Question Comments
Added By: Paul Kubb at: 7/31/2016 1:46:04 AM I have had an error :
e.ShowViewParameters.CreatedView = Application.CreateDetailView(objectSpaceInternal, obj);
[C#]Anexceptionoftype'System.ArgumentException' occurredinDevExpress.ExpressApp.v16.1.dllbutwasnothandledinusercodeAdditionalinformation:Anerrorwithnumber 1096 hasoccurred.Errormessage:TheObjectSpacehasalreadybeenassignedtoanotherrootview:'DetailView,ID:Analysis_DetailView'.ThiserroroccursonlywhenyoutrytoassignanObjectSpacethatisalreadyusedbyarootViewtoanotherrootview.Forinstance,youmayreceivethiserrorwhenusingtheXafApplication.CreateDetailView/CreateListViewmethodsinaViewControllerandpassingtheView.ObjectSpaceobjectasaparametertothesemethodswhentheView.IsRootpropertyistrue.Toavoidthiserrorit'ssufficienttopassanewObjectSpaceinstancecreatedviatheXafApplication.CreateObjectSpacemethodinthesemethods,orcreatenon-rootViewsbypassingacorrespondingparametertothesemethods.
any suggestion please?
Added By: Paul Kubb at: 7/31/2016 2:00:39 AM Seems like it is required to add IsRoot to false into its parameter explicitly.
e.ShowViewParameters.CreatedView = Application.CreateDetailView(objectSpaceInternal, obj, false);
after adding it, Save functionality is disallowedAdded By: Konstantin B (DevExpress) at: 8/1/2016 7:14:45 AM Hello Paul,
Would you please provide exact steps to reproduce this error? I tried the E389 example, and no error occurred when I clicked Analyze.