When group summary items are aligned by columns, it is necessary to use the TableView's GroupColumnSummaryItemTemplate property to style GridControl group summary items. The main idea of this approach is to define a custom ItemsControl inside the GroupColumnSummaryItemTemplate, bind its ItemsSource property to the collection of group summaries and show summary items as child ItemsControl elements. To customize summaries you can use ItemsControl properties, for instance, ItemTemplateSelector.
[Updated by Michael Ch (DevExpress Support)]
Starting with 16.1, TableView provides the following properties, which allow you to style each GridControl's summary item separately:
1. FixedTotalSummaryElementStyle
3. GroupColumnFooterElementStyle
4. GroupColumnSummaryElementStyle
Question Comments
Added By: Tarun Goswami at: 5/14/2015 9:49:00 AM
Thanks for this, COuld you please let me kno How could i assign TextDecoraton property for GroupedRow?
Added By: Alexander S (DevExpress Support) at: 5/14/2015 10:24:34 AMHi Tarun,
To process your recent post more efficiently, I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T242030: How to apply TextDecorations to group rows. This ticket is currently in our processing queue. Our team will address it as soon as we have any updates.