The following example demonstrates how to get underlying data corresponding to a particular visual element using the ASPxClientDashboardViewer's API.
In this example, the ASPxClientDashboardViewer.ItemClick event is handled to obtain underlying data and invoke the dxPopup widget with the child dxDataGrid.
In the event handler, the RequestUnderlyingData method is called to obtain records from the dashboard's data source. The dxDataGrid is used to display these records.
Question Comments
Added By: Angelo G at: 5/31/2016 9:18:34 AM Hello,
I would like to show dashboard item's underlying data using mouse right click event or double click, instead of left click event. Please let me know how to do it.
Thanks. Added By: John (DevExpress Support) at: 5/31/2016 10:50:59 PM Hello Angelo,
You have already asked this question in a separate topic: How to obtain a dashboard item's underlying data in the Web Viewer using double click event or right click event. Refer to it for further correspondence.