This example demonstrates how to update total summaries on the client side when ASPxGridView is in Batch Edit mode. To implement the required task, perform the following steps:
1. Add a total summary item for a required column. The ASPxSummaryItem.Tag property is used to find this summary item on the server side:
2. Replace the summary item with a custom Footer template:
[ASPx]<dx:GridViewDataSpinEditColumnFieldName="C2"><FooterTemplate> Sum =<dx:ASPxLabelID="ASPxLabel1"runat="server"ClientInstanceName="labelSum"Text='<%# GetTotalSummaryValue() %>'></dx:ASPxLabel></FooterTemplate></dx:GridViewDataSpinEditColumn>
The GetTotalSummaryValue method is used to get the actual summary value when the grid is initialized:
3. Handle the grid's client-side BatchEditEndEditing event to calculate a new summary value and set it when any cell value has been changed:
[JScript]function OnBatchEditEndEditing(s, e){var originalValue = s.batchEditApi.GetCellValue(e.visibleIndex, "C2");var newValue = e.rowValues[(s.GetColumnByField("C2").index)].value; var dif = newValue - originalValue; labelSum.SetValue((parseFloat(labelSum.GetValue()) + dif).toFixed(1));}
4. Finally, replace standard Save changes and Cancel changes buttons with custom buttons to refresh a summary value when all modifications have been canceled:
[ASPx]<Templates><StatusBar><divstyle="text-align: right"><dx:ASPxHyperLinkID="hlSave"runat="server"Text="Save changes"><ClientSideEventsClick="function(s, e){ gridView.UpdateEdit(); }"/></dx:ASPxHyperLink><dx:ASPxHyperLinkID="hlCancel"runat="server"Text="Cancel changes"><ClientSideEventsClick="function(s, e){ gridView.CancelEdit(); gridView.Refresh(); }"/></dx:ASPxHyperLink></div></StatusBar></Templates>
See Also:
ASPxGridView - Batch Edit - How to calculate values on the fly
ASPxGridView - Batch Edit - How to calculate unbound column and total summary values on the fly
ASP.NET MVC Example:
GridView - How to update total summaries on the client side in Batch Edit mode
Question Comments
Added By: Dhaval.Shah at: 6/23/2014 5:25:31 PM
Hi Larry,
Good example for us, I must admit.
I noticed one thing:
I modify C2 value and press TAB, the total updates correctly.
However, when I "cancel changes" the total does not revert to the previous (unchanged) one.
Thought I'd let you know.
Best regards
Thank you for your attention. I have modified the example. Added By: Dhaval.Shah at: 6/24/2014 7:51:38 PM
Hi Larry,
Thanks for the prompt (as always) update, much appreciated.
It works. However, something's not right it appears:
Please try this.
Run the example, click on first row C2 column, type a number and press TAB.
I ran it in Chrome and the total was not updated (the value in cell reverted to the original value 0).
Then, I went back to the same cell, typed another number and pressed ENTER.
this time it updated correctly.
I must be doing something wrong, but thought I'd run it past you first.
Do update the thread when you can please.
ASPxGridView - Batch Editing - Some issues with the T114923 example
Please refer to it for further correspondence. Added By: Alfredo Bergamo at: 11/10/2014 8:48:10 AM
What happens if you add new rows or delete some of them? How I get the new sum?
Added By: Larry (DevExpress Support) at: 11/11/2014 4:15:19 AMHello,
To process your recent post more efficiently, I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T171621: ASPxGridView - T114923 example: How to update total summaries when deleting or adding new rows. This ticket is currently in our processing queue. Our team will address it as soon as we have any updates.
This solution works great, however, how do I get the total in the footer to format properly? Specifically I need currency format.
Added By: Larry (DevExpress Support) at: 1/7/2016 2:57:58 AMHello,
To process your recent post more efficiently, I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T331517: T114923 example - How to set the required format for the summay. This ticket is currently in our processing queue. Our team will address it as soon as we have any updates.
Error 43 The type or namespace name 'GridDataItem' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
and error in the using sentence:
using DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors;
I have DevExpress v15.1