This example demonstrates how to achieve this task. The CriteriaColumnAffinityResolver.SplitByColumns method is used here to return the dictionary of criteria operators. It is possible to modify them as necessary. Please refer to the ASPxGridView - How to programmatically change the column's filter in the FilterExpression article for more information.
Question Comments
Added By: Christian King 1 at: 9/26/2014 6:40:26 AM
How would you use a combo box to control filtering?
Added By: Paul (DevExpress Support) at: 9/26/2014 8:17:12 AMHello,
To process your recent post more efficiently, I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T155279: E4641 - How to use a combo box to control filtering. This ticket is currently in our processing queue. Our team will address it as soon as we have any updates.
Is it possible to update this example with the recommandations from "Make the BinaryOperatorType.Like operator obsolete"?
Thank you,
Added By: Vova (DevExpress Support) at: 4/15/2016 4:32:07 AM
Hello Sebastien,
Thank you for pointing out this issue to us. I've updated this example according to the changes described in the "Make the BinaryOperatorType.Like operator obsolete" article.
Best regards,