See also:
How to: Create a Custom Edit Appointment Form Using the MVVM Pattern (step-by-step guide)
Question Comments
Added By: Cliff Knasinski at: 8/27/2014 9:05:27 AM
I have an issue with using this example to commit the changes to my custom field back to the MS SQL Server database. I am utilizing a design structure that is not represented in the examples from DevExpress. I am using a LINQ to SQL class as my data model, and View Models to bind to those models.
Since I am unable to use the LINQ .CommitChanges method from the custom appointment form since I cannot send it as a parameter to the constructor using this example. My View Model reflects the changes made by the form since it is bound two ways, but I have no way to fire off the .CommitChanges method.
I noticed there is a ..
<Button x:Name="btnOk"
Command="{Binding SaveAppointmentCommand}" MinWidth="75" Margin="6,0,0,0"/>
But this command is not used in the example. I have not delved into commands yet, is there an example I can use that would allow me to fire off a method in the View Model this is bound too in order to commit changes to the database?
Added By: Oleg (DevExpress Support) at: 8/28/2014 1:24:06 AMHello Cliff,
To process your recent post more efficiently, I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T144939: How to manually create/modify source objects in the underlying data source when a custom Appointment Form is used. This ticket is currently in our processing queue. Our team will address it as soon as we have any updates.