The size of each GridView's element is calculated by the GridViewInfo class. The instance of the GridViewInfo class, containing information about a specific GridView instance, can be obtained via the GridView.GetViewInfo method. This method is hidden for IntelliSence, but is public and can be called from external code.
Question Comments
Added By: Gerard Chartier at: 6/16/2014 4:40:32 AM
I am having problems with this approach. When I set gridControl1.Size to the newly calculated value, it has no effect. Is there a property of the GridControl that could prevent it from being resized? My GridControl is within a LayoutControl, along with a number of LayoutControlItems and their controls. I am using version 13.2.9.
Added By: Uriah (DevExpress Support) at: 6/16/2014 5:29:40 AM Hello Gerard,I have created a new ticket on your behalf and passed it to our team for research: Setting the GridControl.Size property to a value has no effect if the GridControl is inside the LaoutControl Please bear with us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.Added By: Jerther at: 12/10/2015 6:57:31 AM
Is this still the best and only way, now with 15.1?
Added By: Uriah (DevExpress Support) at: 12/11/2015 5:31:57 AM Hello Jerther,Yes, this is the best way. We have not yet added another method or property that can be used for the same purpose.