This example demonstrates how you can integrate the Web Report Designer into your web application. The application contains a simple report catalog, allowing you to add, delete, and edit reports whose layout data is stored in a custom data storage (i.e., an MS SQL database).
Added By: bcoffee at: 4/6/2015 9:50:04 AM
Additionally, this example demonstrates how you can add custom commands to the report designer menu at runtime to provide better integration with your application. In the example, the custom Save&Close menu command is introduced, which redirects you to the catalog page after saving the report.
Important note: Starting with version 15.2, the ReportStorageWebExtension is used to manage the reports storage for the Web Report Designer instead of the controller actions.
Question Comments
Added By: bcoffee at: 4/6/2015 9:50:04 AM
I'm trying to use this example to run a save report in DocumentViewer but I'm having no luck. Is it possible to extend this example to Run function in addition to Create, Edit and Delete?
Added By: Yaroslav (DevExpress Support) at: 4/6/2015 11:59:18 AM To avoid discussing multiple topics in this thread, I've extracted your question to the How to run a save report in DocumentViewer ticket created on your behalf. Let's continue our conversation there.