This example demonstrates how to customize client widgets used to visualize data within dashboard items at runtime using ASPxClientDashboardViewer's API.
The following options are changed:
- Highlighting of the hovered grid row is enabled in the underlying dxDataGrid in the ItemWidgetCreated event handler.
- A standard tooltip that is invoked when an end-user hovers over a chart series point is disabled. You can invoke a tooltip by clicking the required label on the argument axis. The argumentAxisClick event is used for this purpose. Subscription and unsubscription to/from the argumentAxisClick event are performed in the ItemWidgetCreated and ItemBeforeWidgetDisposed event handlers respectively.
- A pie legend is shown for the underlying dxPieChart.
Added By: Mariusz Bialobrzeski at: 7/22/2015 1:27:47 PM
The following options are changed:
- Highlighting of the hovered grid row is enabled in the underlying dxDataGrid in the ItemWidgetCreated event handler.
- A standard tooltip that is invoked when an end-user hovers over a chart series point is disabled. You can invoke a tooltip by clicking the required label on the argument axis. The argumentAxisClick event is used for this purpose. Subscription and unsubscription to/from the argumentAxisClick event are performed in the ItemWidgetCreated and ItemBeforeWidgetDisposed event handlers respectively.
- A pie legend is shown for the underlying dxPieChart.
Question Comments
Added By: Mariusz Bialobrzeski at: 7/22/2015 1:27:47 PM
I have a dashboard in ASP.Net MVC project. Inside the dashboard I have cards, chart, gauge and range filter dashboard items. I added the js file to the Scripts folder and changed the partial view. When I run the program I do not see any changes on the dashboard. Do I need to do something else to make it work?