This example demonstrates how to customize client widgets used to visualize data within dashboard items at runtime using ASPxClientDashboardViewer's API. This approach is described in greater detail in the Access to Underlying Widgets help topic.
The following options are changed:
- Highlighting of the hovered grid row is enabled in the underlying dxDataGrid in the ItemWidgetCreated event handler.
- A standard tooltip that is invoked when an end-user hovers over a chart series point is disabled. You can invoke a tooltip by clicking the required label on the argument axis. The argumentAxisClick event is used for this purpose. Subscription and unsubscription to/from the argumentAxisClick event are performed in the ItemWidgetCreated and ItemBeforeWidgetDisposed event handlers respectively.
- A pie legend is shown for the underlying dxPieChart.
How to access API of underlying widgets in the Web Viewer