This solution is created to illustrate the steps described in the Building a data analysis application using the XtraPivotGrid tutorial series.
The solution consists of the following projects:
XtraPivotGridTutorial.Step1 - The resulting project for the Building a data analysis application using the XtraPivotGrid. Part 1 - Binding the PivotGrid to dataarticle
XtraPivotGridTutorial.Step2 - The resulting project for the Building a data analysis application using the XtraPivotGrid. Part 2 - Configuring pivot fields article
XtraPivotGridTutorial.Step3 - The resulting project for the Building a data analysis application using the XtraPivotGrid. Part 3 - Configuring the Customization Formarticle
XtraPivotGridTutorial.Step4 - The resulting project for the Building a data analysis application using the XtraPivotGrid. Part 4 - Adding unbound fields article
XtraPivotGridTutorial.Step5 - The resulting project for the Building a data analysis application using the XtraPivotGrid. Part 5 - Integrating the ChartControl article
XtraPivotGridTutorial.Step6 - The resulting project for the Building a data analysis application using the XtraPivotGrid. Part 6 - Printing and exporting data article
Question Comments
Added By: samnang sang at: 6/29/2015 6:49:48 PM
I can not start directly with this. A Project With An Out Put of Class Library
Added By: Alex (DevExpress Support) at: 6/30/2015 12:07:52 AMTo solve this issue, set an appropriate project (e.g., XtraPivotGridTutorial.Step1) as a startup project for a solution by right-clicking the project in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer and selecting the Set as StartUp Project option.