This example illustrates how to get started with conditional formatting that can be applied to cells that match a certain condition specified by a conditional formatting rule.
In particular, this sample demonstrates how to use the SpreadsheetControl API to create the following types of conditional formatting rules:
- a rule that formats cells whose values are above or below the average;
- a rule that highlights cells whose values are between or not between two specified values;
- a rule that formats top or bottom ranked values;
- a rule that highlights cells containing the given text;
- a rule that formats unique or duplicate values, blank cells and formula errors;
- a rule that highlights cells containing dates in the specified time period;
- a rule that formats cells whose values meet the condition expressed by the relational operator;
- a rule that uses a formula to determine which cells to format;
- a two-color scale conditional formatting rule;
- a three-color scale conditional formatting rule;
- a data bar conditional formatting rule;
- an icon set conditional formatting rule.
- Apply conditional formatting to a complex range