To customize a MapPie object parameters specify required properties from the following list.
- MapPie.Argument - allows specifying the argument of a map pie.
- MapPie.Location - allows specifying the location of a map pie.
- MapPie.RotationAngle - allows specifying the rotation angle of a map pie.
- MapPie.RotationDirection - allows specifying the rotation direction of a map pie.
- MapPie.Segments - allows specifying the segments collection included in a map pie.
- MapPie.Size - allows specifying the size of a map pie.
Also specifying the following PieSegment parameters allows customizing the map pie appearance.
- PieSegment.Argument - allows specifying the argument of a pie segment.
- PieSegment.Attributes - allows specifying the attributes collection of a pie segment.
- PieSegment.Value - allows specifying the value of a pie segment.