The following example demonstrates how to apply master filtering in ASPxDashboardViewer on the client side.
In this example, the ASPxClientDashboardViewer.SetMasterFilter method is used to select required rows in the Grid dashboard item. This method is called in the Click event handler of the ASPxButton1.
Question Comments
Added By: Mariusz Muszalski at: 10/2/2014 2:16:32 AM
An exception is raised when trying to set master filter values for more than one items:
Emex.Framework.Web.UI.JavaScriptException: Cannot perform interactivity action. This action is not allowed for the current dashboard item.: at document path 'http://localhost:51001/BI/Dashboard3.aspx';. at ('Cannot perform interactivity action. This action is not allowed for the current dashboard item.', 'http://localhost:51001/DXR.axd?r=1_171,1_94,1_164,1_114,1_121,1_113,1_91,1_156,1_154,1_116,1_93,1_131,15_1,1_128,1_127,15_0,15_5,15_6-qtFv9', '23815', '1803', 'Error: Cannot perform interactivity action. This action is not allowed for the current dashboard item.') at ()
<ClientSideEvents Click="function(s, e) {
WebViewer.SetMasterFilter('gridDashboardItem1',[['UK','Anne Dodsworth'],['USA','Andrew Fuller']]);
WebViewer.SetMasterFilter('gridDashboardItem2',[['UK','Anne Dodsworth'],['USA','Andrew Fuller']]);
}" />
Let's continue our discussion there.