This example illustrates how to dynamically create a custom report based on PivotGridControl content.
It also implements the following suggestions:
S130430: Support word wrap when printing and exporting
S91257: Utilize a Line color when printing
AS9011: Print row headers on every page on export/printing
and the S18650: Add an event that allows to provide custom size for field values (MeasureFieldValue, or so) suggestion for printing facilities.
Question Comments
Added By: Darshan Bansal at: 5/21/2013 11:50:18 AM
We are trying to implement this in our pivotgrid... we are getting an error under method FillDatasetColumns. We are getting an object reference not set to an instance of an object at line "tempColumnText +=pcea.GetFieldvalue(field).ToString()+ " | " Do not know what would be causing this??
Added By: AntonyC at: 7/31/2013 2:30:20 AMWould this allow for the export of a chart linked to the PivotGrid control?
Added By: Ana Claudia Tavares Cardoso at: 9/11/2014 5:50:30 PMBoa Noite
I have the same problem, however, my report should contain three PivogridControl. According to this example does not work, have any suggestions?
Added By: John (DevExpress Support) at: 9/12/2014 4:41:16 AM Hi Ana,It seems that you have already asked a similar question in our support center: E2231 - How to create a custom exporter for the PivotGridControl by using the XtraReport suite. Lets continue the conversation there.