This example demonstrates how to implement batch update using the Ajax request.
Client-side data preparation is based on the approach described in the Post Complex JavaScript Objects to ASP.NET MVC Controllers article.
See also:
How to perform GridView instant updating using different editors in the DataItem template
How to implement the multi-row editing feature in the GridView
Question Comments
Added By: Peter C. Klein at: 10/17/2012 9:50:33 AM
Hi DeExpress!
This is an awosome technique to save data without bothering the user with "Save" or "Update" buttons. Indeed, it works (with the grid example that Mehul shows in the webinar) like Excel. Great!
There is one important thing I would like to point at. It is absolutely necessary that the parameter(s) name/type in the JavaScript code is EXACTLY the same as the parameter(s) in the Function declaration. Perhaps it is trivial to you at DevExpress, but it has cost me a couple of hours to find this out. I guess it would add to the value of these demo's if you point that out in the description.
Best regards,
Run Online isn't working...
Added By: Vladimir (DevExpress Support) at: 12/17/2014 5:24:44 AM Hello Leticia,I tested this example and see that it is run correctly. Would you please specify the issue?