This example demonstrates a possible integration of the DevExpress gauge controls in XAF for representing various types of business class properties. For this, custom WinForms and ASP.NET PropertyEditor classes were implemented:
Implementation Steps
1. Copy and include the GaugePropertyEditor.Win and GaugePropertyEditor.Web projects into your solution and make sure it is built successfully.
2. Invoke the Application Designer for the YourSolutionName/WinApplication.xx file by double-clicking it in the Solution Explorer. Invoke the Toolbox (Alt+X+T) and then drag & drop the GaugePropertyEditorWindowsFormsModule component into the modules list on the left.
3. Invoke the Application Designer for the YourSolutionName/WebApplication.xx file by double-clicking it in the Solution Explorer. Invoke the Toolbox (Alt+X+T) and then drag & drop the GaugePropertyEditorAspNetModule component into the modules list on the left.
4. Define a string persistent property within your business class and decorate it with the DevExpress.Persistent.Base.EditorAliasAttribute passing the corresponding PropertyEditor alias string as a parameter. See the WinWebSolution.Module\GaugeDemoObject.cs .xx file for an example.
See Also:
PropertyEditor Class
Class ASPxGaugeControl
Class GaugeControl
PropertyEditors - Integrate gauge controls
eXpressApp Framework > Concepts > UI Construction > Using a Custom Control that is not Integrated by Default