This example is an MVC version of the How to use the ASPxWebControl.CallbackError event to handle application-level errors occurred inside ASPxWebControls during callback processing WebForms solution.
It illustrates how to catch and handle:
- Exceptions that occur inside DevExpress ASP.NET MVC extensions during a callback using the ASPxWebControl.CallbackError event;
- The remaining unhandled exceptions using the Application_Error event in the Global.asax file.
It also shows how to write required information to the same log/storage (for further diagnostics, etc).
[VB.NET]ProtectedSub Application_Start() AddHandler ASPxWebControl.CallbackError, AddressOf Application_Error EndSub
[VB.NET]ProtectedSub Application_Error(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim exception As Exception = HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError() If TypeOf exception Is HttpUnhandledException Then exception = exception.InnerException EndIf AddToLog(exception.Message, exception.StackTrace) EndSub
The only difference is the format of the callbackErrorRedirectUrl configuration option. It should be set according to the routing configuration:
[XML]<configuration><devExpress> <errorscallbackErrorRedirectUrl="/Home/Error"/> </devExpress></configuration>
WebForms Version:
How to use the ASPxWebControl.CallbackError event to handle application-level errors occurred inside ASPxWebControls during callback processing