This example demonstrates how to hide a grid column on the client side without making a round-trip to the server.
To accomplish this task, apply a dummy CSS class ('unitPriceColumn') to all column cells (header, data, edit, footer, group footer, and filter cells) in markup. Then, to show/hide these cells, just specify their 'display' style. Set it to the 'none' value to hide cells and to the 'table-cell' value to show cells. To specify a cell display style, I used a jQuerry CSS selector (using the 'unitPriceColumn' CSS class).
Question Comments
Added By: marc parthoens at: 8/25/2014 4:20:36 AM
Can you show how I can get the value/text of a hidden column SERVER side.
To process your recent post more efficiently, I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T143607: ASPxGridView - Get Hidden Column Value on Server Side. This ticket is currently in our processing queue. Our team will address it as soon as we have any updates.
I am duplicating this code in my project but I am getting this error
Do you have any ideas what I need to do to fix it?